Free Palestine


Who is DEC:
The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) was formed in 1963. We are an umbrella organisation for 13 humanitarian aid agencies.

At times of overseas emergency, the DEC brings together a unique alliance of the UK’s aid, corporate, public and broadcasting sectors to rally the nation’s compassion, and ensure that funds raised go to DEC agencies best placed to deliver effective and timely relief to people most in need.

flavouriam wrote on Jan 24, edited on Jan 24
The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) is made up of 13 member agencies which provide humanitarian aid in times of disaster.

The 13 member agencies are:

British Red Cross
Care International
Christian Aid
Help the Aged
Islamic Relief
Save the Children
World Vision

flavouriam wrote on Jan 25
Tony Benn DEC appeal on News 24 Accusing BBC why they not show their add for Gaza.

Motherpluckers Rap

Tony Benn was brilliant on BBC new 24 just now on the question of the BBC Gaza appeal [ Zionist pressure -ed ] ban. He stunned the interviewer by immediately interrupting her by saying “seeing as the BBC will not broadcast the appeal I will, she tried to intervene but he said “you are not going to stop me” and he gave out the appeal phone no and details as well as the numbers of casualties. She looked bewildered as he angrily raged against the BBC and said “we all know who is behind this, the Israeli Government” Well done Tony Benn who refused to be curtailed by the BBC’s employees. We need more of this.

Tony Benn: the greatest Living Briton- without a shadow of a doubt.

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