Mito, un passato che solca e pervade tutta la nostra natura

19 Gennaio 2010

Fonte: Joseph Campbell Foundation 

Torniamo alla mitologia, in grande, con le meravigliose interpretazioni di Campbell

a network of information … a community of individuals

 Metaphors only seem to describe the outer world of time and place. Their real universe is the spiritual realm of the inner life. The Kingdom of God is within you.

Joseph Campbell
Thou Art That

MythNow Blog: Claiming Our Sacred Lands     Print     Email
  This month’s MythNow Blog piece is written by JCF Associate Jeff Bishop, president of the Georgia chapter of the Trail of Tears Association. He edits a history blog,, and is a staff writer and editor at the Times-Herald newspaper and Newnan-Coweta Magazine.
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The Mythological Toolboxâ„¢ Playshop is approaching!     Print     Email

The Mythological Toolbox™ Playshop is an annual workshop held at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California. On March 21-26, come experience Everything Old is New Again.

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Unveiling our new Contributions Area     Print     Email
We are excited to announce the launch of our new contributions area. Please take a moment to explore it. JCF would not exist without the support of our visitors and Associates. Thank you!


New Edition of Hero with a Thousand Faces     Print     Email

The JCF and New World Library are proud to announce the new, long-awaited third edition of Joseph Campbell’s classic The Hero with a Thousand Faces, available now at bookstores (virtual and real) near you!
With additional images, an annotated bibliography, and updated formatting that integrates Campbell’s fascinating footnotes into the text, this beautiful new edition will be a more enlightening, enjoyable reading experience, whether you are new to this classic or an old hand, and will allow you to come closer to Campbell’s original vision.
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