NATO Review: il summit di Lisbona e la nuova strategia

06 Dicembre 2010

Fonte: NATO



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NATO Lisbon Summit Edition
NATO’s Lisbon Summit has been described as its most important in decades. Why? Because it is the first to see a new Strategic Concept reflecting a post-9/11 world, during a massive financial crisis, with new threats such as cyberattacks, during a major out of area war in Afghanistan in a globalised world with both new threats and new partners. We’ll be asking both experts and those on the street what exactly makes up the ‘new NATO’.
NATO’s first Strategic Concept for eleven years was often portrayed as a balancing act. For instance, how to balance new threats with old ones? How to accommodate the interests of small countries and big ones? Now that it has been signed, how was the Concept seen?
One of the aims of NATO’s Lisbon summit was to seek better coordination between the military and civilian organisations. Why? Because everyone benefits from the outcome.
As some of the world’s major leaders arrive in Lisbon to cement NATO’s new Strategic Concept, NATO Review looks at how the city might be the perfect location to sign the concept.
The main worry of the people in NATO countries is about the economy. And it is no different in the heart of NATO. Budgets are tight. Priorities have to be clear. But there are some positives that could come out it. More joined up defence is one of them.
As the world’s challenges and threats have evolved, so has NATO. A new NATO division in the organisation is rarely newsworthy. But this time, it shows real intent to make sure that NATO matches the changing world around it.
In April 2010, The Atlantic Initiative conducted an expert survey in Russia to gauge the path of the NATO-Russia relationship. Here we present the results, some of which may be surprising.
Transition is the next stage in Afghanistan. So trainers hold the key to success. The head of the training mission in the country, LTG Bill Caldwell, outlines why he sees trainers as fundamental to Afghanistan’s future.
Despite competing with millions of messages, NATO still enjoys considerable public support argues Stefanie Babst, NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General of Public Diplomacy.
The mantra of “together, we’re stronger” is often heard in these taxing times. But two major security organisations are already finding that, although the phrase may be a cliché, it’s also true.


The making of a new NATO Strategic Concept is a bit like making a sculpture. It’s just that there are many different sculptors. And probably never more so than this latest Concept.

The sculpture begins with an idea, which may change, but most are clear at least on what materials are available. As the design progresses, more ideas and fine tuning come to mind. And so the sculpture develops bit by bit, rather than quickly and dramatically.

I remember asking Madeleine Albright if she had felt that there had been a ‘eureka’ moment as she (and her Group of Experts) drew up their suggestions for the new Concept. She said no, that it was far more gradual.

As I thought about this, I read a quote from one of the world’s most famous sculptors, Anish Kapoor. He reaffirmed this process in sculpting something new. ‘Work comes from other work – there are very few eureka moments,’ he said.

And so, in a way, it has been with the new Strategic Concept. It builds on many new developments. And will have to continue to do so, as it will be a living sculpture, for today’s – and tomorrow’s – security.

Paul King

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