Nato, le priorità militari del 2014 e le dinamiche internazionali odierne

24 Gennaio 2014

Fonte: NATO










NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization



NATO Chiefs of Defence define military priorities for 2014

23 Jan. 2014

NATO Chiefs of Defence concluded a successful two-day meeting at NATO Headquarters identifying the future military priorities in Operations, Partnerships and Transformation, setting the basis for the work on the 2014 Summit deliverables.


Europe and America need to be ready to act together

22 Jan. 2014

The NATO Deputy Secretary General Ambassador Alexander Vershbow addressed the Munich Security Conference Kick-off event in Berlin (22 January) and called for America and Europe to be ready to act together when necessary in order to deal with common security challenges. “ I believe we all need an Alliance that is ready to deal with anything the future might throw at us. But I also believe that the transatlantic security burden needs to fundamentally rebalanced, and that European Allies must do more for their own and for our shared defence”, Ambassador Vershbow said.


Statement by the NATO Secretary General on events in Ukraine

22 Jan. 2014

I am extremely concerned about the dramatic developments in Ukraine and the reports of several deaths in Kyiv.

21 Jan. 2014

20 Jan. 2014

20 Jan. 2014


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NATO Review

The defence industry – a changing game? 10 Dec. 2013 The defence industry has a new area it needs to defend – itself. With budgets low or falling in many places, with several new entrants into the market, and with a whole new array of non-traditional threats to guard against, ‘business as usual’ in the defence industry is under attack on several fronts. Can the industry adapt to survive? NATO Review finds out. 


Football and changing defences 10 Dec. 2013 Football and the defence sector have a lot in common. For example, they both need a strong defence, potent attacks and a capable captain organising everything. NATO Review tries to show how recent changes in the defence industry would look if they were played out on the football pitch. 


What will be the biggest threats in the next 10 years? 10 Dec. 2013 Getting a new defence product to market takes up to 10 years. So what do industry leaders feel we should be worrying about now? We ask six senior company representatives to reveal where they see the biggest threats developing. 


Less money = less jobs for everyone? 10 Dec. 2013 How many million jobs depend on defence in NATO countries? And how many could be cut due to defence cuts? NATO Review looks at some of the figures illustrating the importance of the defence industry not for security, but for the economy. 


NATO and Industry: same goals, different languages? 10 Dec. 2013 Imagine being a shop owner and a group of 28 people walks in. How do you clarify one single order for everyone? This can be the challenge for both NATO and industry when dealing together. We ask industry leaders how they see the relationship, what can be done to improve it and how Smart Defence may make a difference. 


US and the EU: more protection than defence? 10 Dec. 2013 Defence companies from the EU and US have clear barriers between them. Though companies from either side of the Atlantic work together, this often despite their countries being Allies, not because of it. But new trade initiatives should bring the two major markets closer together. Could this improve defence collaboration – and benefit western countries and NATO? 


Smart Defence – in action 22 Oct. 2013 There’s been a lot of talk about Smart Defence. Talk about how it is needed to plug gaps, save money and adapt to the economic crisis. This edition of NATO Review aims to go beyond the talk – and show some action. Smart Defence in action – the savings it makes, the collaboration it brings and the mindsets it tackles – may be the best advert for more of the same. 


Helicopters – and why they’re important 15 Oct. 2013 Despite often being expensive, high maintenance and tricky to operate, armed forces know they need helicopters. Whether it’s getting troops in, or the wounded out, helicopters are often the ‘go to’ choice. NATO Review looks at nations’ ongoing need for helicopters – and how they’re making it easier to use them together. 


Modern defence: better smart than sexy? 15 Oct. 2013 A huge array of equipment that has flowed into Afghanistan over more than a decade must now leave in more or less 12 months. This means calling in some specialist kit to get the job done, including massive air transport planes. NATO Review looks at how several countries have worked together to share this kit, saving money and time. 


How to airlift armed forces 15 Oct. 2013 NATO is redeploying vast amounts of equipment from Afghanistan, some of it by air. This infographic shows how some countries have used the Ruslan plane to help – and why it is so important. 


Smart defence – projects in the pipeline 15 Oct. 2013 What’s the next activity we can expect from Smart Defence? What difference will real projects make? Here we outline eight projects which are coming online soon and highlight the potential benefits. 


Security snapshots 09 Aug. 2013 In this edition of NATO Review, we’ve tried to offer the best of both worlds: expert analysis on a wide range of security areas delivered concisely. While we usually pick a single subject and drill down, this time we’re looking at a wide range of areas and getting a quick ‘elevator pitch’ from various experts on how they see it. 


Ahmed Rashid: It’s about ballots, not boots 09 Aug. 2013 In Afghanistan in 2014, the drawdown of international forces will be the key. Wrong, says Ahmed Rashid. The elections are the one single event that will have the most important effect on the future of the country, he argues. 


Franco Frattini: ‘It’s the economy, stupid’ 09 Aug. 2013 Cuts in defence budgets are an economic reality. But, says Franco Frattini, they are also an opportunity to finally start coordinating defence spending between nations who are now forced into prioritising. And NATO could benefit. 


NATO-Russia: re-reset? 09 Aug. 2013 Forget the headlines showing tension between NATO countries and Russia, says Konstatin von Eggert. It’s the low profile cooperation taking place regularly between the two that will help build a foundation for better long term relations, he argues. 


Europe and the US: how strong is the bond? 09 Aug. 2013 In the shadow of the US’ pivot to Asia, Europe clearly needed to step up its own role in international security. And it has, argues Tomáš Valášek. European efforts in Libya and Mali have already been appreciated in Washington and strengthened the Transatlantic bond. 


Team Western Balkans? 09 Aug. 2013 The Western Balkans will not become one country again, says Sonja Licht. But it has realised that its strength lays in becoming a more united region, and eventually more united in Europe. 


Cyber – the good, the bad and the bug-free 24 Jun. 2013 The changing threats to the world since 2001 is evident. When 9/11 occurred, there were just over 513 million Internet users (just over 8% of the world’s population). But today’s world has over 2.7 billion users of the Internet (or nearly 39% of the global population)….. 


Hackers for hire 28 Jun. 2013 Hackers are the 21st century warriors who worry many. As everything we use becomes increasingly connected, so their opportunities to hack, divert or destroy increase. NATO Review talked to some hackers to see what motivates them – and finds out that they can actually be a force for good too. 


The history of cyber attacks – a timeline 24 Jun. 2013 NATO Review’s timeline on cyber attacks shows the history – and seriousness – of attacks since they began in the 1980s. Use the interactive timeline to find out about some of the major – and most audacious – cyber attacks since the first worm got loose in 1988. 

The defence industry – a changing game? 10 Dec. 2013 The defence industry has a new area it needs to defend – itself. With budgets low or falling in many places, with several new entrants into the market, and with a whole new array of non-traditional threats to guard against, ‘business as usual’ in the defence industry is under attack on several fronts. Can the industry adapt to survive? NATO Review finds out. 

16 Jan. 2014

13 Jan. 2014

09 Jan. 2014

06 Jan. 2014

27 Dec. 2013

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nato in focus


NATO and Afghanistan

NATO’s primary objective in Afghanistan is to enable the Afghan authorities to provide effective security across the country and ensure that the country can never again be a safe haven for terrorists.

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The Connected Forces Initiative

After 2014, NATO is expected to shift its emphasis from operational engagement to operational preparedness.

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Smart Defence

In these times of austerity, each euro, dollar or pound sterling counts. Smart defence is a new way of thinking about generating the modern defence capabilities the Alliance needs for the coming decade and beyond.

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Women, peace and security

NATO and its partners are taking concerted action to support implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325, which was adopted in October 2000. UNSCR 1325 recognizes the disproportionate impact that war and conflicts have on women and children, and highlights the fact that women have been historically left out of peace processes and stabilization efforts.

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