Special Forces e tecnologia segreta. Ecco dei mezzi “occulti” con cui i soldati italiani ci proteggono dai gravi pericoli


30 Ottobre 2018

Fonti: Covert Shores,

Euronaval 2018, Janes.com, Navy Recognition, Sea Future 2018

Nota di Domenico Cambareri







Fra i primi antesignani a livello mondiale.

Fra gli immortali eroi di tutte le flotte e di tutti gli eserciti:

Teseo Tesei

Junio Valerio Borghese, il “comandante”

Luigi Durand de la Penne.

Il brivido estremo dell’intelligenza intemerata,

dell’ardimento dello spirito,

della dedizione alla Patria.

Questi valori ancora oggi custodiscono e garantiscono

in Italia

la libertà di tutti da pericoli esterni, 

pure dei disfattisti e denigratori “apolidi”,

dei maggiori spacciatori e dei maggiori corruttori e criminali in tutte le salse,

dei “pacifisti” di professione,

dei partitocrati , dei politicanti e delle accolite del regime

dei cacasenno “idiosincratici” “nulladibuono”

che occupano posti ai vertici delle Istituzioni, occupano scranni in Parlamento 

e divorano e spolpano

e falsificano la storia 

e lavorano onnipresenti mane e sera con acido corrosivo.

  • Domenico Cambareri
L’Europa della Libertà
1381 search results for “X mas”
27 search results for “decima mas”




Industria, politica e esportazioni.

Mezzi subacquei occulti, forze speciali e mercati internazionali.




Sat 27 October 2018
By H I Sutton

Updated: originally posted 22nd June 2018.
Many thans to unnamed others, without whom this article would not have been possible.

‘Deep Shadow’ Swimmer Delivery Vehicle revealed
Flag CABI Cattaneo of Milan, Italy, are one of the world’s foremost producers of underwater vehicles and heavy equipment for special forces. But they are virtually unknown outside the close-knit Submarine & Special Forces communities. Until a couple of years ago the secretive nature of their primary customer has meant that their products are for the most part completely unreported. That changed at the Seafuture 2016 show in La Spezia when the company started to court export customers with their Deep Guardian Special Forces Hangar. Now at Seafuture 2018 they have revealed a number of other products including the Deep Shadow SDV.

Deep_Shadow_SDV Covert Shores
The Deep Shadow carries six combat swimmers and is roughly analogous to the US Navy SEALs’ SDV Mk.VIII series. Payload bays are situated fore and aft and four thrusters allow hovering and exact maneuvering. Its streamlined hull allows a comparatively high yet undisclosed cruising speed.
Deep_Shadow_SDV Covert Shores
Deep_Shadow_SDV Covert Shores
Photo credit Mariasole BIANCO

The ultimate book of Special Forces subs Covert Shores 2nd Edition is the ONLY world history of naval Special Forces, their missions and their specialist vehicles. SEALs, SBS, COMSUBIN, Sh-13, Spetsnaz, Kampfschwimmers, Commando Hubert, 4RR and many more.
Check it out on Amazon

Italy essentially invented the modern art of underwater sabotage using combat swimmers, using it to great effect in World War One. And more famously during World War Two, when Italian frogmen riding the SLC ‘Maiale’ (’pig’) sunk a number of Allied vessels including the battleships HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Valiant. The capability was reestablished soon after the War but has been kept very secret since. CABI Cattaneo going public with their export designs is thus a rare window into this world.

Per la lettura integrale del testo di H. I. Sutton e delle  altre immagini e delle schede allegate sui più importanti mezzi subacquei tascabili nella produzione mondiale e in servizio con le forze speciali da intrusione, aprire Covert Shore.


Flag Sub Maritalia GST-23+ Midget Submarine


Flag  Cos.Mo.S CE2F chariot


Flag Flag USN Navy SEAL’s UOES3 (Button 5.60) Dry Combat


Flag Cos.Mo.S Nessie Fast SDV submersible boat



Cos.Mo.S CE4F 4-man SDV


Flag COMSUBIN’s submersible boat









Deep Shadow SDV – HI Sutton – Covert Shores www.hisutton.com/Deep_Shadow_SDV.htm Copia cache Traduci questa pagina Deep Shadow‘ Swimmer Delivery Vehicle revealed … this is an export design it is a strong indicator of Italian Special Forces SDV capabilities.

5 giorni fa – At Euronaval 2018, Cattaneo is exhibiting the Deep Shadow. … -Covert operation of Special Forces and equipment in a litoral environment

Euronaval 2018: CABI Cattaneo unveils Deep Shadow swimmer …


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4 giorni fa – Italian naval systems manufacturer CABI Cattaneo unveiled details of its new special forces Deep Shadow swimmer delivery vehicle (SDV) at …

Risultati immagini per special forces deep shadow sdv


Risultati immagini per special forces deep shadow sdv

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Risultati immagini per special forces deep shadow sdv

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Risultati immagini per special forces deep shadow sdv

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Risultati immagini per special forces deep shadow sdv

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think about Special
Forces: In the
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Philippine Special
Forces – “Shadow
Army” | Tribute
Military Forces XXI Century
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Special Forces: In
the Shadows
exhibition teaser
YouTube – 2 feb 2018
Army of Shadows –
Special Forces
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Australia’s Special
Australian War Memorial
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SWUV French
Navy Combat
Divers Special
Forces …
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Shadow Force
(Last Chance)
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US Special
Operations –
Army” (2017 ᴴᴰ)
YouTube – 20 gen 2017
US Special
Operations –
Army” (2017)
Military Forces XXI Century
YouTube – 3 ago 2017
Review: The
Ultimate Special
Forces Tactical
YouTube – 18 ago 2015

Risultati web

CANSEC 2018 | Jane’s 360


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“It will shape the Canadian Armed Forces for years to come and our industry … of its new special forces Deep Shadow swimmer delivery vehicle (SDV) at the …

UK looks to buy new combat submersibles | Jane’s 360


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21 set 2018 – Disclosing the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) case on 20 September, … the SDV Mk 11 SWCS is a free-flooded combat submersible vehicle … Euronaval 2018: CABI Cattaneo unveils Deep Shadow swimmer delivery vehicle.

Future Military Weapons – Home | Facebook



“Whether it’s special operations; search and rescue; or ship repair, …. of its new special forces Deep Shadow swimmer delivery vehicle (SDV) at the Euronaval …

Special Forces, all aspects – The Fifth Column Forum – Powered by …


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10 giu 2018 – 20 post – ‎3 autori

Once operational, this tri-national Special Forces Command will participate …… Euronaval 2018: CABI Cattaneo exhibits its Deep Shadow SDV