18 Agosto 2020 Fonte: Navy Recognition on line
A differenza della US Navy, che da molti decenni adotta l’elicottero pesante CH53 Super Stallion – Sea Dragon per la caccia alle mine, la Marina del Giappone è l’unica Nazione al mondo ad avere adottato per lo svolgimento di questo stesso gravoso compito il versatile elicottero medio-pesante AW101. L’elicottero è dotato di tre propulsori ed è costruito da AgustaWstland della Finmeccanica, oggi Leonardo. Gli apparati per il dragaggio sono statunitensi. L’AW101 costituisce la spina dorsale dei reparti di volo della Royal Navy e della Marina Militare Italiana ed è stato adottato da molti Paesi per lo svolgimento delle più diverse missioni militari, di poliza, SAR (ricerca e salvataggio, in Canada e Norvegia), civili, commerciali e off shore. Dal 2016, basata sulla versione concepita per le operazioni anfibie del San Marco, la macchina è entrata in servizio nell’AMI con l’acronimo, HH-101A “CAESAR” (potrà imbarcare a bordo una squadra di fucilieri dell’aria), per operazioni di recupero di equipaggi, ricerca e salvataggio, supporto alla protezione civile e trasporto medico d’emergenza, operazioni speciali. Nella configurazione di trasporto truppe può imbarcare finoa 30 soldati equipaggiati. (D.C.)
JMSDF MCH-101 helicopter successfully conducts landing and takeoff on Hatakaze destroyer
August News 2020 Navy Naval Maritime Defense Industry
18 AUGUST 2020
According to some pictures released by the official account of the Maritime Self-Defense Force Kure District Corps, it is the first that the MCH-101 helicopter successfully achieves landing and takeoff from the Hatakaze-class destroyer.
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MCH-101 minesweeping and transport helicopter during exercise along with Hatakaze-class destroyer. (Picture source: JMSDF)
About the MCH-101 minesweeping and transport helicopter:
MCH-101 is an Airborne Mine Countermeasures (AMCM) and transport helicopter, operated by the Japan Maritime Self Defence Force (JMSDF). Modified by Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI), MCH-101 was derived from the EH-101 medium-lift helicopter, manufactured by AgustaWestland. The MCH-101 will replace the fleet of MH-53E that are in service with the JMSDF.
The MCH-101 helicopters are primarily deployed in minesweeping and transport missions. It will also be used to provide transport support for Antarctic exploration. The MCH-101 can be operated from shore as well as from JMSDF ships, such as Hyuga Class helicopter destroyers.
The mine countermeasures systems of MCH-101 helicopter are the AN/AQS-24A airborne minehunting system, the AN/AES-1 Airborne Laser Mine Detection System (ALMDS) and the MK 104 acoustic minesweeping device.

JDS Hatakaze, a Japanese Hatakaze class destroyer docked in Pearl Harbour. (Picture source: US Navy)
About the Hatakaze-class of guided-missile destroyers:
The Hatakaze class of guided-missile destroyers is a third-generation class of vessels in service with the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF). They were the first of the JMSDF’s ships to have gas-turbine propulsion.
The ship is 150 m (492 ft 2 in) long, has a beam of 16.4 m (53 ft 10 in) and a draught of 4.8 m (15 ft 9 in). With a displacement of 4,600 tons, she has a complement of 260 personnel.
The ship is propelled by 2 × Kawasaki Rolls-Royce Spey SM1A gas turbines for cruising and 2 × Rolls-Royce Olympus gas turbines for high speed only. These engines can provide enough power for a top speed of more than 30 knots (35 mph; 56 km/h).
The ship carries RGM-84 Harpoon SSM, Standard missile MR SAM, ASROC anti-submarine rocket. It is fitted with 2 × 5″/54 calibre Mark 42 guns, 2 × 20 mm CIWS, 2 × Type 68 triple torpedo tubes.